• Girl Sewing,  Heirloom Sewing,  Sewing Stories

    First Holy Communion Sewing…the ultimate challenge and blessing!

    Eight-ish years ago, I began sewing for my unborn daughter. In the back of my mind, I knew that my ultimate goal was to get “good enough” to make her First Holy Communion dress. My mom let me help her design my First Communion dress and doing that with her is one of my core memories of childhood. I walked into our local JoAnne’s with her and saw a bridal gown that I loved, my mom created a similar version for me to wear. My goal when I set out to make this dress was to form similar memories with my daughter. Several months ago, Maria and I sat down…

  • Uncategorized

    Happy Easter! All this Year’s Sewing Details :)

    Happy Easter Friends!! What a fantastic one it is. The kids are all healthy and thriving and most importantly (kidding) still enjoying my hand sewn creations. This year, I got brave and even made a dress for myself. Here are alllll the details! My dress is a Burda 6023 in a rayon from Farmhouse Fabrics. This fabric feels like a cloud. I can’t get over how comfortable this dress was! I love the tulip print and the colors are perfection! Maria is wearing her Easter dress from last year. She absolutely loves this dress and requested to wear it again. I used an ivory Swiss dot and ecru lace to…

  • Adult Sewing

    Smocked Tunic Pattern Now Available!

    Some time ago, I was gifted a vintage pattern called “BJ’s Gown and Blouse” by Albe’s Creations. I made one up in a beautiful Liberty of London and posted it to Instagram and Facebook. I was overwhelmed by the positive feedback and questions about the pattern. On a whim, I started searching for the pattern designer, Brenda Raker. I was hoping she may have more patterns in her basement somewhere as it was impossible to find any for sale online or anywhere else. I reached out to my followers with her name, did some googling, and asked around in an attempt to find her. You all came through (as usual!)…

  • Heirloom Sewing,  Sewing Stories

    More Heirloom Dabbling

    What makes something an “heirloom” garment? When recently asked this, it took me a bit by surprise. I had to answer truthfully with, “Quite frankly, I’m not really sure.” My original thought was that it must be a heavily embellished garment made of a lightweight cotton fabric. Due to the vagueness of that response, I was hesitant to give it. So; what is an heirloom garment? In order to figure this out I turned (as all millennials do) to google, which quickly took me to wikipedia. According to my interpretation of the wikipedia definition….anything can be an heirloom garment. A child’s dress, bubble, johnny, anything. The key lies in using…