• Activities For Children,  Lifestyle

    DIY Play Dough Kit

    Taking a moment to break from sewing and talk a bit about children’s activities again. How many of you all have seen these sweet Play Dough Kits on Instagram and Pinterest?! I saw them about a year ago and have been obsessed ever since. They’re extremely photogenic, very engaging, so fun to watch kiddos play with and come organized in an amazing container. I love toys that have an easily storable container (I’m not sure why all toys don’t have an easily storable container) so I am a sucker for these things. Confession: I am a do-er. I often see other people making/doing something and immediately think that I can…

  • Lifestyle

    What I listen to While Sewing…

    Confession: I am a podcast junkie. I listen almost non-stop. When I’m sewing I always have a podcast playing on my phone. Awhile back, I mentioned a couple of my favorites in my stories and was overwhelmed by how many people responded with their favorites…apparently I’m not alone in my sewing while podcasting obsession. I thought I’d compile a list of my favorites here….mainly so you will respond with yours and give me new ones to listen to! The 27 Club: this is a new podcast about the life of music artists who died at the age of twenty-seven. Its incredibly well written and produced. Jimmy Hendrix is the topic…

  • Gift Guides and Shopping


    Over the past few weeks I have been floored by how kind and thoughtful humanity can be. From the many masks made by my neighbors and peers, to the thoughtful gifts given to small children who aren’t used to being “stuck at home.” It is so refreshing to know that so many people are so good. Now, more than ever, small businesses need our support. Again, I am floored by how many individuals I’ve seen reaching out to eat at local restaurants, order from local bakeries, and shop from local small retailers. I’ve witnessed plenty of small businesses being patronized by phone orders and through social media orders. Sometimes, that…

  • Gift Guides and Shopping

    Notions Organizer

    Suddenly have tons of time to organize your sewing room?…me too. While its been quite difficult to see many silver linings in this current pandemic, one blessing of Covid-19 has been getting to spend a significantly larger amount of time with my family, in my house. The quality time with my family has been wonderful, while my quality time with my house has spurred on quite a few cleaning and organizing projects. Nothing like staring at one’s disorganization for extended periods of time to encourage spring cleaning. I recently tackled my sewing room. As I normally spend every moment I have for available for sewing, actually sewing, it had become…

  • Activities For Children

    Indoor Activities for Kiddos

    I do not sit still well. Its a personality flaw that I have fought, eventually accepted an ultimately embraced. My children seem to have inherited this personality trait from me, it has become incredibly apparent while we’re staying at home and “social distancing.” We used to start our day with a trip to the gym/Maria’s school and errands. Now that those are not options I have a 3-4 hour window of time to fill. I’ve tried screens…I am not a screen hater…but they just don’t work for my kids. They won’t sit through a whole movie or they want 1000 snacks while they try. Pinterest and other Instagram moms have…

  • Gift Guides and Shopping

    Sewing Organization

    I am currently attending an heirloom sewing class with thirteen other women at the Children’s Corner store. I’ll be doing several posts about this experience. This is a short and sweet post about one of the most diverse (and intriguing) things I’ve seen while in class. Everyone is organized (or in my case, not really organized) differently. It is so interesting to see so many different ways of storing the same items. Sewing somewhere other than your sewing room is a daunting feat! Remembering all your tools, notions, fabrics, etc. can be overwhelming. At the moment, I have a three tier tupperware form of organization. Similar to the one listed…

  • Gift Guides and Shopping

    Spring Sewing (and Shopping) Inspiration

    Every year, right around this time, there’s a lull in my sewing. Often, its because there are SO MANY fall sales and I’m trying to stock up on cardigans, shoes, and essentials for next winter. Sometimes, its because I’m taking inventory of what the kids have that will fit into March/April. Other times its because I am all over the place and haven’t yet nailed down a plan for the season. At the moment, I’m all over the place. A plan is definitely in order. I like to look for inspiration for a week or so and then sit down to make a list of what I’ll be making for…

  • Activities For Children

    Christmas Crafts for Children

    Christmas is such a fun time for crafting! However; it often falls on the shoulders of the parents to come up with the craft ideas. I thought I may compile a list of a few fun Christmas Craft options here. Not going to lie, this is kind of for my own future reference. I figured I’d put it in blog form to save another mama, or grandmama some time. Paint Christmas Ornaments: this year Maria is giving her cousins personalized ornaments. It can be tricky to encourage a spirit of giving, rather than receiving, during the Holidays. Personalizing items for others seems to be working for us this year. Maria…

  • Gift Guides and Shopping

    Gift Guide for Smocking Friends

    Need a gift idea for a smocker in your life? Any of these items will be definite hits. It can be so easy to accumulate smocking plates and not so easy to keep track of them. The sheet protectors and the binder are a perfect fit for smocking plates…bonus points if you organize them for your recipient. The other items are my favorite small scissors, needles, plates and smocking aids. Some of these would make great stocking stuffers! Sheet Protectors: these are the perfect size for your smocking plates. Binder: Perfect for smocking plate organization-throw in some new smocking plates for an extra special gift. Embroidery Scissors: sweet, pretty little…